Three lead attorneys at Livens & Reed, PLLC

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Medicaid And Estate Planning Attorneys
Helping You Achieve
Peace Of Mind
Three lead attorneys at Livens & Reed, PLLC

Elder law planning extends quality of life in one???s last years

by | Dec 3, 2014 | Long Term Care Planning |

If you’re one of the millions of baby boomers hitting retirement age, it is an ideal time to set up an elder law plan under Texas law. It will provide for long-term care if it becomes necessary. The fact is that becoming immobile and/or infirm in old age does not have to be the end of a useful and enjoyable life. However, the ability to function may be exacerbated by pressing financial and family strife caused by a lack of elder law planning for such a time.

There are various subjects to pursue regarding maximum long-term care planning.  For example, will your home be compatible for certain special needs that may arise? This means looking at the setup and structure of the home, identifying where entrances may have to be modified for wheelchair access and the like. If there are two floors, preparations may need to be made for mechanized access to the upper sections.

Elderly law planning should also consider future transportation needs. This consideration can also include determining which family members will provide transportation and in-home services vital for survival. This may include such basics as doing the wash, ironing, cleaning and general maintenance of the home. In-home nursing care should be discussed and planned out through family discussions.

Family meetings will be best accomplished while you remain in good physical and mental state to best discuss such matters. A power of attorney should be provided for those family members who will be given the authority to sign your name. This person will purchase supplies, pay bills,  and make expenditures on your behalf in times when you may be unable to do it for yourself.

Other important elder law issues like Medicaid planning, funding, long-term care insurance and other issues should be decided. This will be best accomplished under the guidance of an experienced Texas elder law attorney. Estate planning and other documents will be prepared as part of your total arsenal of legal protections. The complete array of documents, services, and action plans that are prepared will ease your final years both mentally, spiritually and physically.

Source: Yahoo News, “4 Things to Include in Your Long-Term Care Plan“, Geoff Williams, Nov. 25, 2014


Livens & Reed, PLLC