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How does estate administration impact estate planning?

On Behalf of | Jun 17, 2022 | Estate Administration, Estate Planning |

When Texas residents decide that it is finally time for them to sit down and get an estate plan together, they usually have some common goals. Those goals can include making sure that the estate administration process is as smooth as possible for their surviving family members – the most common people to inherit an estate.

So, for many people, attempting to predict how the estate administration process will play out is a key factor when they are putting their estate plans together.

Estate administration can include probate court actions but might also include some passing of assets outside of probate. For example, many different types of trusts are established with the specific goal of avoiding the probate process.

Or, life insurance policy payouts can also avoid the probate process. But, for those who have a simple will, for instance, most often, the estate administration process will need to go through a local probate court, in some form.

The ease of estate administration oftentimes comes down to who the executor or personal representative of the estate will be. Many people pick a close, trusted relative. However, picking someone who is not at all familiar with the probate process or estate administration might actually complicate matters.

Help with your estate

At our law firm, we do our best to help our clients who are trying to navigate the estate administration process. With the right estate plan, estate administration doesn’t have to be too complex. For more information, please visit the estate administration overview section of our law firm’s website.


Livens & Reed, PLLC