Three lead attorneys at Livens & Reed, PLLC

Medicaid And Estate Planning Attorneys
Helping You Achieve
Peace Of Mind

Medicaid And Estate Planning Attorneys
Helping You Achieve
Peace Of Mind
Three lead attorneys at Livens & Reed, PLLC

Probate Litigation

How does a probate sale work?

In Texas, a probate sale refers to selling a home that belongs to a deceased person's estate. The process is complex, and closing the sale may take as long as a year. Purchasing your home through a probate sale can get you a bargain price, but the process may require...

Contesting a will

One of the few guarantees for people living in the Dallas/Fort Worth area is that they will pass away at some point in time. When people do pass away they leave behind everything that they had while they are living. They cannot bring their money and possessions with...


Livens & Reed, PLLC