Lawyers Serving Our Veterans
Veterans or their widows may be eligible for additional income through the Veterans Aid and Attendance program. Qualifying applicants may receive a pension or survivor’s benefits, plus additional money to pay for medicine. These benefits may total up to $24,000 per year, tax-free!
Too many assets or too much income can disqualify a veteran or a veteran’s surviving spouse. At Livens & Reed, PLLC, we are adept at helping clients qualify for VA benefits while also preserving assets. We have a 100% approval rate, and have successfully represented clients in VA appeals.
Our attorneys and staff can directly represent the veteran or the spouse of a veteran. More commonly, we represent adult children who are caregivers or legal guardians. Our Bedford, Texas, law practice serves clients across the Dallas-Fort Worth area and statewide. Contact us today for a free consultation.
Veterans Aid And Attendance Requirements
The veteran or the veteran’s widow/widower must meet five requirements:
- The veteran must have served in the military for at least one day while our country was declared at war.
- They must have served in the military for 90 days of active duty.
- They must have received better than a dishonorable discharge.
- The veteran or the surviving spouse must need assistance with activities of daily living.
- Veteran/Widow assets must be less than $155,356.
Affordable Veterans Benefits Planning
We understand the difficult financial situation that veterans and their surviving spouses face. There are no hidden fees. We charge a flat fee for all of our services.
Many applications for Veterans Aid and Attendance program are turned down because (a) income exceeds the maximum, (b) assets exceed the threshold or (c) the applicant or caregiver filled out the wrong forms or filled out the forms incorrectly.
We have found that many applicants can legitimately increase medical expenses (assisted living or home health care, medications, medical equipment) to reduce their income to a qualifying level.
Wartime Service Dates
- WWI-4/6/1917-11/11/1918
- WWII-12/7/1941-12/31/1946
- Korean-6/27/1950-1/31/1955
- Vietnam-8/5/1964-5/7/1975
- Gulf-8/2/1990-Present
Comprehensive, Coordinated Planning
We also look at how Veterans Aid and Attendance program will affect Medicaid planning strategies and estate planning concerns. Without proper consideration, qualifying for VA benefits could disqualify the veteran or widow for other government benefits. We work to maximize income while protecting assets and all other eligibility.
Call 817-591-7257 or email us for a free initial consultation with a lawyer. Ask for a complimentary informational packet about Veterans Aid and Attendance program and our legal services.